06.10.20 – 13.03.2021
The Suñol Foundation, which works together with the Glòria Soler Foundation to unite culture and philanthropy, opens its new exhibition Everything solid fades away, the second act of the cycle In three acts.
In Three Acts is a three-part exhibition curated in collaboration with Valentín Roma which aims to display the reasoning behind the Suñol Soler Collection, and the artistic and historical horizons under the collection was created.
We understand that a collection is not a heritage of motionless pieces, but also—or above all—a certain register of intensities, a way of approaching art with the premises of each specific moment, but at the same time, with the questions that anticipate points of view that are still latent.
Act 2. Everything solid fades away.
The second act, titled Everything Solid Fades Away, takes us on a journey through a group of works that portray the extent to which the abstract pulsation did not exhaust its limits; on the contrary, perhaps it is still the language form that measures the artists’ effort to understand chaos without the will to domesticate it.
We decided to accompany the works of art through a selection of poetic labels, to broaden the perspective of the pieces in the exhibition by crossing disciplines and deepening into the poetic content inherent in the works.
Photographs: Santi Periel
More information in www.fundaciosunol.org