Nineteen contemporary art pieces from the Suñol Soler Collection are spread over more than 1000 years of history of the Museu Nacional.
Evru/Zush. Zeyemax, 1974
Inaugurated on November 13, 2020, and with duration until November 7, 2021, the new exhibition that takes place in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya built together with the Fundació Suñol in collaboration with the Fundació Glòria Soler, is curated by Sergi Aguilar, director of the Fundació Suñol and artist, and Àlex Mitrani, curator of modern art at the Museu Nacional. The art pieces have been placed at different points in the museum, to suggest new and diverse readings, forming a contrast between historical works of the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Modern art with Contemporary works from the postwar and second avant-garde.
Jaume Xifra. Chaise de salon d’art, 1974
Everything is present. Everything is now. In this exhibition, history and contemporaneity meet to think about the today. The temporal and cultural logic has been deliberately broken to evoke great timeless themes of human existence that, in turn, challenge us to think about our own lives by asking questions that only we can answer.
Susana Solano. Colinas huecas núm. 15, 1985
Open up to dialogue and delve into this project that breaks the linear narratives of classical museography and frees us from the corset of academic models.
For more information you can visit the Fundació Suñol’s website and the Museu Nacional d’art de Catalunya’s website.
Evru/Zush. Sabina eyeya, 1974