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Consolidation of COVIDBANK

  • Health
  • The unexpected emergence of the pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, caused the scientific community to react quickly to answer the clinical, biological and epidemiological questions that arose.

    The contribution of the Fundación Glòria Soler will be fundamental for the consolidation of COVIDBANK. Given the current situation, the networks of biobanks will play a crucial role in the development of the vaccine and treatments against the new disease of the COVID-19, directing all its efforts and resources to share information with other centers and exchange recommendations and protocols in order to implement the best measures to work with samples of patients positive for SARS-Cov-2 ensuring optimal quality for research.

    Photographs: Francisco Àvia_Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

    It is worth mentioning that any research team that meets the scientific, ethical and legal requirements can have these samples for their research projects.

    An important part of these projects require the extraction of biological samples from patients affected by COVID-19 in different disease states. In order to guarantee the highest quality of the samples and the least interference with healthcare practice, the Hospital Clínic and IDIBAPS agreed to be the Biobanc HCB-IDIBAPS is responsible for the centralised collection and standardised processing of these samples. Thus, new coordinated circuits were enabled with the aim of obtaining the maximum number of samples from patients.

    With the creation of the COVIDBANK, the Biobanc HCB-IDIBAPS has organized and organizes a biorepository of biobank of biological samples from patients who have been treated at the Hospital Clínic by the SARS-Cov-2 virus, since April 2020.

    Creation of a bank of samples of patients with SARS CoV-2

    The Biobank of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona-Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (Biobanc HCB-IDIBAPS) is a research support platform that coordinates the collection, processing, storage and transfer of human biological samples to promote quality biomedical research. The availability of well-processed, registered human specimens with well-compiled associated clinical data is essential for the investigation of any disease.

    News in Hospital Clínic website (In spanish)

    Creation of a bank of samples of patients with SARS CoV-2

    The Biobank of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona-Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (Biobanc HCB-IDIBAPS) is a research support platform that coordinates the collection, processing, storage and transfer of human biological samples to promote quality biomedical research. The availability of well-processed, registered human specimens with well-compiled associated clinical data is essential for the investigation of any disease.

    News in Hospital Clínic website (In spanish)
