On November 9, the presentation of the work Untitled by Eva Lootz took place, belonging to the Suñol Soler Collection, and which has been installed in the lobby of the IDIBAPS auditorium coinciding with the presentation of the exhibition Andar con el río in the Suñol Foundation.
Eva Lootz. 'Sin título' (1980). Colección Suñol Soler
The initiative is part of the “Art & Science” project, promoted by the Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, the Fundació Suñol and the Fundació Glòria Soler, which aims to bring both disciplines together and allow art to enter the facilities where it is carried out. research to generate a new social impact.
The work Untitled by Eva Lootz (Vienna, 1940) is exhibited in the lobby of the Auditorium of the Esther Koplowitz Center, headquarters of the IDIBAPS and replaces the work Trodotz by the artist Zush/Evru, which was installed in the month of April in which it was the first action of the agreement.
The Glòria Soler Foundation has a long history of collaboration with the Clínic Barcelona-IDIBAPS through the financing of two research projects with great impact for society: the ARI project, supporting immunotherapy with CAR-T cells, and the COVIDBANK, which collects samples from patients with COVID-19 admitted to the Barcelona Clinic.
Estudiantes frente a la obra de Eva Lootz
Investigadores de IDIBAPS frente a la obra de Eva Lootz