The Fundació Glòria Soler supports a Study of the Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health Initiative of ISGLOBAL, the Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona to learn about social perceptions about the COVID-19 vaccine in Sierra Leone and its impact on the use of services health, and specifically immunization. Especially considering that in Sierra Leone adult COVID-19 vaccination is administered through the routine childhood vaccination schedule, the impact that this approach may have on childhood vaccination as well will be studied.
Zush. The bird of Africa bis, 1977
Understanding what relationship exists between perceptions about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, the social imaginary and collective epidemiological memory (e.g. experiences lived in relation to previous epidemics, such as the Ebola epidemic) is essential to formulate public health strategies and policies appropriate to the context. To date, there are no studies of this type, so the results will provide very relevant information and can be extrapolated to other similar contexts in the region.
Study setting and context: The study will be conducted in Sierra Leone, in the three districts (Port Loko, Bombali and Tonkolili) where ISGlobal is conducting the ICARIA clinical trial in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Sierra Leone. Leona (College of Medicine and Alliance Health Sciences – COMAHS USL) and the support of the country’s Ministry of Health.
Fotografia: Haily Chen
+ Information about IPERVAC-SL
New Project Will Study Relationship Between Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccines and Impact on Health-Seeking Behaviours in Sierra Leone.
ISGLOBALThe importance of listening to the community
Interview to Abu Jalloh, the research coordinator for the social study IPERVAC.