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First year of COVIDBANK

  • COVID-19 Emergency
  • Global Health
  • A total of 43,000 samples have been collected from 2,800 donors to date, used for 18 research projects against COVID-19. Currently another 12 research projects are about to start. Samples include blood derivatives, DNA, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, saliva or semen, and autopsy tissues such as brain, lung biopsy, airway, heart, kidney, liver, spleen, bone marrow, muscle, reproductive tissue, lymph node tissue and skin. These are the data:

    Samples derived from blood: 39,773
    DNA samples: 1,888
    Mononuclear cells: 1,069
    Saliva samples: 12
    Semen samples: 8
    Biopsies: 33
    Tissues from autopsies: 171

    Total: 42,954


    Among the research projects underway, the following should be highlighted:

    Development of an innovative vaccine against SARS-CoV-2

    Identification of genes that predict the severity of COVID-19

    Study of the risk factors and the prognosis ​​of ICU patients

    Production of specific antibodies against SARS-CoV-2

    Study of patients with severe respiratory failure and those who have long-term respiratory sequelae


    For more information about the project visit the following link.